July 26, 2018 Jasen Banks

Feel like you don’t have enough time in your day? Don’t know why you just can’t get enough done? This article will help change the way you think about that!

Many of us have either said or heard someone say the phrase “there just aren’t enough hours in the day.” It’s one of these generic sayings we utter when we feel like we haven’t accomplished everything we’d set out to do, or that our day went by without getting the proper satisfaction that we planned on receiving from it. It’s a phrase that, if we truly believe it, can leave us feeling somewhat empty and hopeless. It can lead to a snowball of doubt-fueled questions and statements, such as: “How am I ever gonna get this done?” “When will I have time for myself?” “I never have time to accomplish anything.” “There’s no way I’m going to get this done in time.” We then may spiral into feelings of self-pity, and maybe even anger, because we think there just isn’t enough time for us to fully succeed. Well, I have good news…”there just aren’t enough hours in the day” is a lie!

Ridding ourselves of this mindset is extremely freeing and empowering. Yet, how do we do it? Firstly, we must gain an understanding of the truth: God has a plan and purpose for us that He wants accomplished. In Jeremiah 29:11 God says “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Understanding this truth is critical to overcome the mindset that claims “we don’t have enough time.” God knows that we live on the planet Earth, and that we are confined to space, time, and all of the other laws that apply here. He knows the sun rises and sets. He knows that we must work and rest. He also knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), so He knows the day that each one of our lives here on Earth will come to an end. Therefore, He knows the amount of time required to fulfill the purpose He has set out for you! By our faith and obedience, He will make sure that the work we do each day is used sufficiently for His will to be done. Yet, this may not mean that it is what WE want in our own selfishness. Proverbs 19:21 says that “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” So as we work, we must work in faith, trusting that God is using us for His good purpose, knowing all that we need will be provided, and that everything is working for our good (Romans 8:28).

Now, I am not attempting to deemphasize the value of working hard. It is important to work if we want to live an abundant, debt free, low stress life. In Proverbs 24:30, the author describes walking past the home of someone who is a “sluggard” and sees that their laziness has brought them an abundance of thorns, weeds and a crumbling stone wall. He says that what he learned from seeing this was that a little laziness, too much sleep, and idleness brings poverty into our lives. So we understand here that when we allow ourselves to become lazy, things that were once upright and orderly can become disheveled and unkempt. This can be applied to many aspects of our lives, such as our friendships, marriages, talents, money, diet, exercise, etc. A lack of diligence in thought and action in a certain area may lead to a poor condition of that area. Proverbs 14:23 says that “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” and Proverbs 10:4 says “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” The emphasis of hard work throughout God’s Word is clear, therefore let’s make a conscious effort to work hard in all areas of our lives, because God thinks it’s good to do so.

Here’s the point: we should understand the value of work, without undermining the divine guidance and plans that ensure our work will be accomplished. So relax, and work peacefully knowing that all you need to do will be done.

God makes sure to give us time for REST!

Jesus says in John 14:27 that He gives us a gift of peace for our minds and our hearts, a peace that the world can not give, and instructs us not to be troubled or afraid. So believe in this peace that comes from Christ, work diligently with this peace in your heart, and give thanks that you can sufficiently accomplish what God puts before you each day. Cheers to success and fruitfulness in our work!

For a little extra motivation, check out our episode about the meaning of life according to Scripture: Just click here!

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Jasen Banks

Child of God. Husband to @Rashida.Banks. Podcast host. Spreader of the Good News. Gym junkie. Please reads whats I writes.

Comments (3)

  1. Belinda

    Your wife is correct. This message is profound and powerful! My heart, eyes, and ears will remain opened to God’s promise of sipp k ying me with what I need to fulfill His puropse for my life!. Thank you for sharing.

    • thewordxtheworld

      Thank you! Glory to God! I hope it helps a lot!

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